I am mum to five old twins thanks to the wonders of IVF, who are the light of my world - cheesy but very true! There is also a Mr Tsui who is my rock and our little fluffball Milo, who as a Siberian cat really is a fluffball, completes our little family. As you might have guessed I am hugely passionate about all things holistic wellbeing, devouring podcasts and books on the subject. Which leads me to how I came to be qualified in Reflexology and Hypnobirthing, juggling a four days a week job in HR, Twins and treating my wonderful clients and everything else in between.

Prior to becoming a specialist in reflexology and hypnobirthing, I worked as Head of HR in the Education Sector. With two young children and a demanding role, I struggled with the work-life balance, along with difficulties around conceiving prior to the twins arriving into my world.

As I was undergoing IVF treatment, I found reflexology, and the practice helped me so much. Going through IVF is an emotional rollercoaster and reflexology really helped me to have some time to relax and to deal with the emotional stress, not to mention the physical side of IVF with all those injections and hormones. I also then used reflexology during pregnancy with my twins and I found the treatment so beneficial in helping to relieve some of the tiredness I felt from pregnancy and the swelling.

I soon realised that after all I had gone through with the IVF rollercoaster and then having young children that my priorities had changed and I made the slightly scary decision at the time to train as a reflexologist so that I could pass on the powers of this treatment to as many people as possible. I researched the different courses available and eventually decided to train with renowned reflexologist, Louise Keet, also author of the Reflexology Bible, at the London School of Reflexology in Regents Park.

Following completion of this and becoming a qualified reflexologist I then opted to undertake further specialised training in Fertility Reflexology with Barbara Scott a renowned reflexologist in the area of reproductivity, founder of the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists and author of the book 'Reflexology For Fertility'.

I am so glad that I took the scary step at the time as it has paid me back a hundred fold ever since. I love treating my clients and seeing the benefits that my treatments give them and the difference it makes in their lives.

When it comes to hypnobirthing, I was, like a lot of people, sceptical to begin with. I thought it involved being hypnotised! Then I went to a seminar on hypnobirthing, and it removed any misconceptions I had about it. I came to learn that it was all about wellbeing and educating on how birth can be, not what we see on the TV and in movies where it is dramatized. It was about helping people to understand that feeling calm, trusting their body, gave them the chance for their natural processes to happen.

Delving into it further, my entire view of childbirth changed, and I was able to deliver my twins the way I wanted in a beautifully calm environment, avoiding the need for a caesarean section. Naturally, I also wanted to bring the benefits of this treatment to mothers in a similar situation to the one I was in. The beauty of Hypnobirthing is that it helps you achieve the birth you want, whether that is a home birth or at the hospital through a caesarean.


  • Fully qualified and insured member of KG Hypnobirthing - Hypnobirthing Diploma DipHB (KGH) - the course is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM)
  • Fully qualified and insured member of the Association of Reflexologists (MAR) - Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology from the London School of Reflexology, trained by Louise Keet
  • Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
  • Level 2 Award in Infection Prevention (Covid-19) for Complementary Therapies and Sports Massage
  • Full member of Association of Reproductive Reflexologists

To book your first session of reflexology or hypnobirthing classes in Whyteleafe, Caterham and surrounding areas, feel free to give me a call or fill out the contact form.

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Get in touch

I am based in Whyteleafe near the Kenley Aerodrome and easily accessible from both Whyteleafe and Upper Warlingham Train stations. I also offer mobile visits in Kenley, Warlingham, Oxted, Croydon, Purley and surrounding areas.

Reflexology treatments are also offered in Notting Hill, London on Mondays. Easily accessible via underground and bus routes.

To find out more about my Reflexology or Hypnobirthing treatments, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment, please get in touch by filling in my contact form.

If you prefer, you can give me a call or leave a message on 07506031007. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

©Helen Tsui

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